September 10, 2007

How To Use the Templates

This is a basic tutorial for the templates. I will be leaving this information posted for those of you that have purchased my templates in the past. If you have any questions about using the templates, contact me at neilcreative @ aol dot com (no spaces).

This is a very brief "How To". My templates are based on image masks, so if you know how to use image masks you're set. If not, they're not hard to learn.
There are a few screen captures below as a rough idea of how to use these.
  1. The first layer of my files are filled with white, delete this layer, it's to reduce file size for emailing purposes.
  2. Drag or paste your photo into a new layer in the template.

  3. Drag your photo to the layer below the layer named image mask.
  4. Drag the image mask onto your image.
  5. Delete the layer named image mask - once the image mask is placed on your photo you don't need the layer.
  6. To adjust the size of your photo without adjusting the mask - turn off the "lock" between your photo and the image mask.

There are a few screen captures below as a rough idea of how to use these.